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3 Simple Ways To Cleanse Your Aura

The aura is a field of energy that extends about a feet and a half outside of your physical body. When our spiritual sight or third eye is open this field of energy can be seen, it varies in color…

What Do Recurring Dreams Mean?

Dreams often perplex and intimidate the conscious mind. We often talk about the dreams we have with friends or family, but most of the time we have no concrete idea of what they mean or why we have them. Recurring…

Seeing Colors During Meditation

On the surface meditation can seem a pretty boring affair – you sit in silence for a few minutes focusing on your breath and calm the mind. However the deeper you go the ‘weirder’ the things you experience become. Meditation…

The Dark Side of Empaths

I am always talking about the upsides to being an empath and contradicting the idea that being an empath is inherently a curse, however to have a balanced discussion we also have to explore the ‘dark side’ of empaths. Being…