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How To Develop Your Psychic Abilities

We are all intuitive in nature; in a sense we are all psychics, it’s just that we don’t all retain or develop that ability later into life. From a very early age I would ‘see things’. This is perhaps not…

How to Become Luckier By Shifting Your Energy

Over the last two years I have experienced a lot of “good luck”. Spontaneously meeting people who are incredibly aligned, who I have specifically called in or visualized. Being invited on trips. Connecting with amazing clients. Anytime I am facing…

When the Universe Makes You Slow Down

In today’s post I want to talk about a phase on our spiritual journey, that is often mistaken for something going wrong – when the Universe slows us down. Sometimes ‘nothing happening’ in your reality is a sign that you are being…

Are You An Energy Transmuter?

Learning to work with our energy is one of the most important things we can do in this lifetime. For those of us who are highly sensitive, creative or empathic there are a lot of ways we’ll use our energy…