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3 Signs From the Universe To Take a Leap of Faith

Universe leap of faith

Sometimes the next step is not a step…but a leap of faith. Trust yourself to take it.

As humans with a mind, in a physical body, we may think linearly but as spiritual beings our energy doesn’t work that way. The path is front of us is not always a straight line towards a goal, but can weave and shift.

If you work deeply with your energy, and trust your intuition, it’s inevitable that at some point you’re going to have to take a leap rather than a step.

The gap between your energy and physical environment becomes so wide, and you have to bridge it. In this post I want to explore how you can tell it’s time to jump into a new way of being.

Shifting from 3D to 5D

A lot of people are trapped in linear thinking; the 3D mindset or energy. What we see with our physical eyes is not all there is, and we have to be discerning in order to understand how different situations are working in our favor.

I have worked with so many people who pray for something new, and don’t realize the destruction or rejection they’re facing is actually a sign it’s time to start anew.

The Universe is always sending us signs! Through the people we meet, the spaces we are invited into, through gut feelings and sensations, even in our dreams while we’re asleep.

If we aren’t picking up on these signs it’s easy to mistake a new beginning for something going wrong. Good things often come into our lives through difficult lessons, rejection and detors.

Signs from the Universe your life is about to change

Sometimes a shift in consciousness and reality is truly rapidly, however more often, we receive plenty of ‘notice’ from the Universe that things are about to change, we just don’t notice it.

Signs can be difficult to interpret because their meaning is not universal. Sometimes a negative situation is a sign we’re out of alignment, other times in it. I hope I can help provide some much needed clarity.

You trust yourself

First of all, it’s important that you trust yourself before taking any sort of leap.

There’s no point making huge changes in your life if you don’t trust yourself to maintain them and be constructive.

You know you’re about to quantum leap when you trust yourself without physical proof or validation. You just know something good is coming up, and that you will be able to navigate it, even if past experience goes contrary to this.

This has been a big shift for me lately. A level of self-trust that just goes deeper and deeper, that feels real and tangible rather than pretence. Sometimes holding this level of self-trust can feel scary, because we have to finally appreciate a good experience for what it is without excuse or denial.

We have to see a good opportunity as good, and not step back in an effort to self-sabotage.

If you are on the brink of a transformation, know this isn’t happening just because, you have put in the work to cultivate faith.

You feel energized but calm

When your creative energy builds up, it’s common to feel full of ideas that you don’t know exactly what to do with.

This represents the gap between your energy and physical environment widening; a sign that the Universe is bringing different pieces together.

Despite this, you feel (weirdly) calm and balanced.

I love this quote for this purpose:

How do you know that you’re on your path, because it disappears. That’s how you know. How do you know that you’re really doing something radical, because you can’t see where you’re going.

David Whyte

What David means here is that when you on the right path you’re not moving from an ego identity or the mind, you’re so focused on alignment that you don’t have/need to see the next step. You’re fully in the present, and everything falls into place through that.

Something I’ve noticed when I’m on the right path and the energy is building up to a leap, is that I experience random bursts of excitement.

I’ll be laying in bed, getting ready to sleep and just feel like I cannot contain the joy, thinking about what is coming next – even when this is unknown.

Our mind is sometimes accurate when it comes to predicting what is next, but our body always knows.

Your intuition is growing

If you notice your intuition growing incredibly sharp and feel tangibly supported by the Universe, it might be time to take some calculated risks.

You just know you’re being guided towards new spaces, types of work, people. You know something’s bubbling up under the surface and that it is time.

This is more of a gut instinct than something you can explain logically.

You know it’s time to take a leap when you get that strong, direct intuitive hunch in one direction.

As I said, sometimes these signs are not always applicable to everyone. In this case, our intuition doesn’t always get stronger when we are close to a breakthrough.

Actually, on my path, I’ve found that my intuition will more often get quieter when I’m on the brink of something good.

There’s no longer this flurry of information coming through, I just feel still internally and you want to embrace this quietude.

What to do before a quantum leap

Taking a leap of faith is not the same as rushing. Discernment is always important.

Completely release the pressure here, and only take a leap when it feels right.

Get clearer on what sort of leap you want to make with some introspective questions.

Find a quiet spot and take some deep breaths, then ask these questions.

What do I need ?

How does this differ from what you are currently receiving?

When do I feel most aligned?

Where do you find the most peace in your current routines, and how can you zone in on those areas?

Record the synchroncities you’re experiencing and see what the link is. Write the ideas you’re getting down and get them loosely organized.

Consistently connect with your body, so that the leap you take is grounded.


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