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How to Speak with the Universe & Manifest

speak with the universe

The Universe is always speaking to us, even if we don’t notice it. Through words, images, numbers, music, animals, synchronistic experiences, chance encounters, the list goes on.

However, we’re not always speaking to the Universe in a way that shows we are understanding and receptive to support and guidance.

Sometimes we are not speaking to ourselves in a way that affirms our intuition and higher self.

In this post I want to talk about some ways you can start speaking with the Universe to manifest better opportunities.

Speaking to the Universe changed my life!

Looking back on the last two years I realized that I had achieved my main goal for over a decade – to be able to travel often. Over the last 18 months I have been on the road for 9 of them. I have manifested travel before but only years apart.

In my recent travels I have met people who are much more aligned and have been offered support to travel further out of the blue in the form of hospitality and invites.

This was something that happened without me noticing because it came so naturally. That is often the case with manifestation, we put in tons of work experience changes but only realize we’ve brought something into existence upon reflection or when someone else points it out.

The biggest change I made that brought this about was consistent conversation with the Universe!

Here is a photo from a trip to Berlin where I didn’t pay for any accommodation, and spent time with someone who I specifically manifested (I saw their exact appearance in my mind’s eye before even meeting them).

I’ve had similar experiences following this in Budapest & Prague, while I was traveling Europe. Meeting very specific people and always finding a way to extend my travels as it felt right.

Every single day I speak to the Universe through my thoughts, prayers, journals, visualizations etc.

I ask the Universe for support no matter how small, and know longer feel ‘silly’ doing so.

I ask the Universe to connect me with very specific types of people, bring me into certain spaces and to bring me inspiration for my writing so that I can support these travels.

On a logical level I still don’t quite believe this is possible, but on a deeper level when I step back from the ego-mind, I see the evidence clearly.

How to talk to the Universe

Talk to the Universe as if talking to a friend – when you’re going through good times as well as bad.

The more casual you make this, in the sense that you’re not seeing it as a weird or strange thing to do, the smoother things are going to flow for you.

Building a relationship with the Universe is just the same as building a relationship with anyone, you have to be sincere and consistent to see results.

Affirmations are a great way to start deepening this connection.

Here is one of my current favorite phrases to speak out loud or in my mind ‘I manage abundance well’.

There are two types of affirmations I recommend using to manifest that will work better in different contexts.

The first are affirmations that speak to something bigger, such the Universe or God, putting something on your path.


I welcome new opportunities

I meet uplifted people

I receive ___

These are great when you don’t have a super specific goal or destination in mind and just need general guidance and support. These work great overall but I’ve found that the second type is more helpful for me overall, and might be for you!

This second type are affirmations that specifically focus on your capacity & abilities.

The affirmation I shared ‘I manage abundance’ focuses on your ability to hold and then build on abundance – you have to put in some work but it will be worthwhile.

When we first begin working with affirmations these can help bring the focus in, rather than waiting for something, zoning in on what you can maintain or build.


I create ____ consistently

I manage ____ well

I build on ____ type of energy

If you struggle with these types of affirmations because it doesn’t feel there is something good to maintain or build upon in your life, then take a second look around.

My inner dialogue and speech used to be dominated with stuff like this‘ No one supports me’ ‘People abandon me’ ‘Things are difficult and always will be’.

There were/are nuggets of truth to these. Some people didn’t support or stick around me, things often did go wrong. However, I was consistently ignoring all of the instances where that wasn’t the case.

There were people supporting me…but maybe not in the way I wanted.

There were people I could talk to…but maybe not the people I would have preferred.

You can probably identify areas like this in your life too. The key here is to build upon what is true. If some people are supporting you, if you are experiencing some type of abundance, then you have that as a foundation to work upon.

A great way to shift this dynamic is to affirm ‘Thank you for these experiences, I am ready for better/more’.

We are always manifesting

We are always manifesting. The energy we’re putting out, our thoughts, words, actions are all conveying a particular message to the Universe and as a result will influence the response we get back.

However saying this, not every single thing we say or think is going to have an effect on our immediate environment. The Universe is not looking at every little thing we are doing in order to punish or reward us, it goes deeper than that.

The thoughts and words we put energy behind are what have an impact and what will manifest. The stronger our relationship with the Universe, the clearer the feedback we’ll receive.

When speaking to the Universe, don’t worry about every little word and getting it right; focus on the wider relationship you are building. Rather than trying to be positive all of the time, focus on how honest you are being with yourself and the Universe. That is where the real power and impact comes.

How to speak things into existence

Affirmations for trusting the Universe:

I welcome a surprise tomorrow

I welcome new experiences tomorrow

I welcome unexpected support

The reason I recommend specifying a timeframe like ‘tomorrow’ here is that you want to avoid procrastinating. These affirmations allow you to get started right away.

You might not see a result the very next day, but with consistency more and more of these surprises and experiences are going to come about.

Pay attention to what you are expecting and try to let go as much as possible. If you don’t see a result and get disheartened, remember that you are trying to build an undercurrent of energy first and foremost. The more intention you place on these words over time, the better your result.

The Universe doesn’t give us one chance to succeed, we can always come back, try again or reframe things.

Another thing you can do to improve the conversation you are having is by observing your inner dialogue for an hour, or even a day.

Notice what thoughts you are constantly fuelling with energy and intention.

When I tried this I noticed that I kept going back to ‘People do not support me’. When something would inconvenience me, the classic ‘I hate my life’.

These were things I knew on a logical level were not true, but on an emotional level I needed more convincing.

When attempting to create better internal dialogue, focus on the limiting beliefs that you already know are false.

It’s easier to switch those phrase with something better but completely believable, than try to force positive beliefs that feel completely out of reach.

Start with small changes and build momentum from there.

Words are spells

Along with shifting our internal dialogue and reciting affirmations out loud when we can, being more mindful of the types of conversations we have goes a long way.

Not in the sense that we never talk about hard topics or complain from time to time (most of us do it) but consciously choosing to have more uplifting and purposeful conversations.

Once you begin making these changes you start to see where you are allowing your energy to be lowered unintentionally.

Whether it is through the friendships you are keeping or the songs you are listening to.

Most of the time, if we wish to shift our energy in a big way, we have to set new routines and boundaries in place. To make sure we are actually committed to uplifting our lives in all areas.

The final piece of advice I have is to remain flexible. I talk about shadow work a lot here and that is super important.

Sometimes we have to talk about heavy topics, or just shoot the breeze with friends. Sometimes we’re going to listen to ‘low vibrational music’.

I’ve found that it’s much easier to maintain overall good habits if I allow myself to just be at times without worrying about every little thing I do or say.

If we are comfortable with our shadow (negative habits and beliefs) we’re not going to let any little negative interference or experience set us back, because we know there is light and dark in everything.

This takes pressure off us to be perfect, or always maintain high energy and we can recenter much more easily.


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