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Are You Having Psychic Dreams?

psychic dreams

Dreams tend to be dismissed as nonsensical ramblings of the subconscious mind, or they are seen as having no bearing on the ‘real world’.

If you have done any introspection or are on the spiritual path, then you know that dreams hold a much deeper and practical significance.

Some dreams show us limiting patterns that we are ignoring in our life, or allow us to view situations from a different perspective. Dreams can be healing, where they bring stuff we are not confronting to the surface.

Dreams can also have a precognitive quality to them, where we see something in a dream before experiencing it in physical reality. Those are the types of dreams I want to discuss today, you could call these spiritual or psychic dreams.

Intuition & dreaming

Dreams are the playground of our intuition. In regular everyday life we’re often so preoccupied by routines and responsibilities that we’re not hearing our intuition clearly, eventhough it is always speaking to us!

In dreams intuition gets our uninhibited focus, and our subconscious has a direct opportunity to show us what we have ignored.

In dreams we have access to our intuition but also our higher self, aspects of our soul and the Universe at large. Dreams represent both our individual and collective consciousness.

Precognitive dreams

Precognitive dreams are the ones I have the most experience with. Precognitive dreams happen when we are tuned into not only our own intuition or self, but collective consciousness or the Akashic Records.

The Akashic Records are an energetic record of everything that has happened, as well as future possibilities. You can think of this as the energetic version of a library or records archive.

We will often receive precognitive dreams about something that is going to happen to us or someone close to us.

When we set intentions in the process of manifestation, we might have a dream of us experiencing that thing and often this means it is coming to you soon.

Many times when I’ve set goals and consistently fuelled them with my energy, I’ll get a dream of me achieving it a few weeks or months beforehand.

Telepathic dreams

Telepathic dreams are ones where we are connected with someone we know.

An important note, not every time we dream about someone is a telepathic dream – as much as we might want it to be.

Sometimes we are dreaming about someone because there is a deep soul connection, and other times it is a ‘soul tie’.

Visitation dreams

Visitation dreams are ones where loved ones who have passed over come to send us a message or we feel their energy in our dreams as encouragement or support.

Just because a representation of our loved ones appears in our dreams doesn’t mean it is literally them.

It’s good to remain objective in this way to respect the energy of our loved one and to be able to interpret the messages we receive accurately.

Spirit guide dreams

Another interesting type of psychic dream is ones where spirit guides make themselves known.

We will notice a spirit guide in a dream because they’ll stand out compared to the other dream characters. They appear conscious and if directing themselves rather than being led by the subconscious.

Spirit animals love the playful energy of dreams and so you’ll often see them there too. If an animal shows up in your dream on a consistent basis it might be worth looking into.

How to know you’re having a psychic dream

precognitive dreams

Figuring out if you are having a regular dream or a psychic one requires discernment on our parts.

Many of these esoteric concepts have deep truth to them, but this doesn’t mean we are always interpreting or applying them correctly.

I see this a lot in my work, people taking the concept of twin flames, soulmates, telepathy to confirm their pre-existing desires or beliefs.

I think its important to honor these concepts and the real energy behind them, but also remain neutral. Ask ourselves if these ideas actually apply to us….or if we just want them to.

You can tell you’re having a genuine psychic experience by the energy behind it.

The sense that you just know, which is difficult to express in words. This is felt very softly and gently in the body, but is unmistakable.

Psychic dreams also have a certain quality to them, they can often feel ‘realer than real life’.

When we wake up from a psychic dream we will feel peaceful, uplifted and guided in the right direction. We’ll often experience synchroncities relating to said dream throughout our day.

Dreams that are psychic in nature relay a very clear and direct message. We’ll find that the dream itself is incredibly sharp and your awareness is lucid. You might find yourself thinking in the dream as clearly as you would in real life.

I had a dream years ago where I receive a letter from someone, I could read this letter just as clearly as if it was real. Halfway through trying to read it I started to feel tired, as if I was about to wake up, and I tried to do so.

However it was almost as if something was keeping me here, and I didn’t wake up until I had read it all.

How to remember more of your dreams

It’s going to be difficult to receive precognitive or psychic dreams if we don’t remember them in the first place!

The more in tune we are with our intuition the more likely we are to remember our dreams. One of the ways we can do this is to meditate. Some of my most vivid dreams have come after a meditation session before sleep.

If you struggle with meditation focus on the process rather than the ‘result’ you think you should have – which is a totally clear and quiet mind. If your thoughts continue to run wild and you don’t quite get into the zone, you’ve still made some progress by trying.

Another powerful way to remember your dreams is by starting a dream journal.

When we start recording our dreams we start taking them more seriously, and so the subconscious mind sends us more of them.

What is your experience with psychic dreams?


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