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How to Use The Law of Detachment

law of detachment

Do you ever notice that people who are not attached to material success often have it? That people who are not looking for love often find it? People who have a certain peace about them, always seem to navigate those life smoothly?

This is the Law of Detachment. What we cling to and chase after is often repelled from us. We gain more by letting go than holding on.

Before we proceed, I’d like to make a little disclaimer. When I talk about manifestation I’m not coming at it from the mindset of ‘positive thoughts equal positive outcomes always’.

The relationship between our energy and physical reality is not 1-1. So you can have a lot of peace internally, while still experiencing chaos externally. You can be a good person and have bad things happen to you.

However there is use to these concepts such as the Law of Attraction and detachment, if we put them in the right contexts.

What is the Law of Detachment?

This is not an ‘official’ law as such, but a loose concept you can apply to your life. ⠀

In my work I’ve notice that when you are manifesting there will always be some attachment to what you want, or rather, to the idea of what you want.⠀

On a conscious level we always hold on to an extent. However to detach, is to consciously hand things over to something bigger and realize where your focus is no longer needed.⠀

An analogy I like to use is of a artist drawing a picture. There will be conscious focus on what strokes to make, or materials to use, but to truly ‘create’ you have to let go and allow your subconscious mind to take the reigns.⠀

You are simultaneously part of the process while taking yourself out of it, in order to allow your creative energy to shine through.⠀

There has been so many times in my life where I finally let go of someone, gotten over them, over to receive a text message from them the next day!

This is just how energy works. When we are not pushing our energy into someone else’s space, we become much more attractive to them.

I’ve also experienced my work going viral or receiving a bigger response than usual, when I have been more focused on the process than the outcome. I’m sure you can relate in many different ways!

“Energy flows where attention goes”

This quote is very true but it goes deeper. There’s a part we forget. Wherever we create space, new things flow in.

Detachment is all about creating space. Between our actions and the outcome we want to experience. Between our thoughts. In our home environment.

If we are filled up with ideas and concepts, or our space is filled with clutter, it’s very difficult for new things to come in.

How to let go & manifest

Now that you know this concept, how can you actually put it into use. How do you actually let go?

The way that I approach this tends to be a little different to what I have seen other people say.

In my opinion we never entirely ‘let go’ of something. Sure, we can lessen the importance of something in our mind and find better places to focus, but that thing can remain in the subconscious.

This is not a bad thing in my view because surrender and acceptance are important qualities on the spiritual path, and life in general. What we cannot let go of, we learn to accept and release consistently, and it stop affecting us in the way it used to.

When manifesting I love to engage with my intentions over a longer period of time.

If I want to travel to a certain country but don’t have the resources, I will visualize this happening over the course of several months.

However, the letting go part comes in surrendering to the process.

Let go of how exactly you want something to come about, you might have to do this several times.

But be highly engaged with the process of aligning your energy in the right way.

When we have a very solidified view of how something should come to be. For example, wanting to manifest a partner in a specific environment. We might hinder ourselves in meeting someone in an environment we aren’t familiar with or haven’t been to yet.

You want to create space so that the Universe can come in and surprise you!

I like to say that the end goal of a manifestation is not actually the end goal.

Reaching a destination is not the thing you should be focused on. Instead, getting into the right energy, being the person who would have what you want or live the lifestyle you want is the center of manifestation – it is the end goal.

The person you become in being prepared for a blessing is even more important than receiving the blessing.

The best way to understand the Law of Detachment isn’t complete detachment all the time, but rather, learning when to engage and when to detach.



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