Do you often receive intuitive messages in form of short phrases or words, almost as if you can hear them? Do you often perceive a buzzing or high pitched noise in your ears that isn’t connected to a physical condition, particularly when meditating?
Do you often receive intuitive messages & information through songs or overhearing other peoples’ conversations? Are you the type of person who learns best through audio? You might be clairaudient.
Clairaudience is the psychic sense of hearing, which is not as widely known or discussed as clairvoyance, claircognizance or clairsentience but just as important. Many people have this ability and don’t even know it.
Developing clairaudience is not as difficult as you might think! In this post I want to go over some powerful practices you can use to take this ability to the next level.
What is clairaudience
Clairaudience as mentioned is the psychic sense of hearing. Clair for ‘clear’ and audience for ‘hearing’.
For every physical sense that is a corresponding psychic sense, two that we haven’t mentioned are clairgustance which is clear tasting and claiolfactance…yes you can even receive psychic messages through taste and smell.
Those with clairaudience receive messages from their intuition, higher self, the Universe (whatever term you prefer) in an auditory manner.
This sense does not always come through as if someone is speaking to you. Sometimes you’ll receive messages as if they were thoughts but they’ll have a unique quality to them, it’s kinda difficult to explain in words. Words or phrases that just pop into the mind.
5 signs that you are clairaudient
- People feel heard by you & gravitate towards you for advice
- You hear the voice of your intuition clearly
- You sometimes hear high pitched buzzing in the ears
- You learn best through music and audio
- You talk, sing or hum to yourself often
An experience for me that inspired this post was one of my trips to Budapest. It was the first time I was there and I spent quite a few days in the city just walking around without a plan.
I was solo traveling and didn’t hear as much English as I was accustomed to. Whenever this is the case, I find my thoughts become a lot more introspective and my intuition feels quite strong aswell. It’s as if the lack of stimulation creates space for something bigger to come in.
After a few days of just walking around I started to notice that I would always have a particular song stuck in my head. A different song each day that felt pertinent to whatever I was going through, or that provided some words of inspiration or encouragement.
In some meditation sessions I have heard songs playing in my mind, as if someone had spontaneously put a pair of earphones in my ears and pressed play – the quality and vibrancy of sound was that high. Indistinguishable from the ‘real’ thing.
5 ways to develop your clairaudient abilities
If what I’ve described sounds like you then you’re probably wondering how to begin developing this ability further. With each psychic sense there are practical exercises and then more energetic ones.
What I mean by this is exercising that will literally allow you to hear your intuition, and ones that will get you into the right energy of hearing intuition.
The energetic side of this is understanding how clearly you are hearing things in day to day life!
1. Meditate
Of course I am going to mention meditation. All of our psychic senses increase when we practice meditation consistently, because it brings us out of the analytical mind and into the observing one.
Clairaudience is a manifestation of our intuition, and intuition thrive off of quiet. The more space you create in your life and daily habits, the clearer this sense comes through.
Meditation can be as simple as spending ten minutes focusing on your breath. Anytime a thought come up, observe it but then let it go, refocus on the breath.
Meditation can also create a great space to ask specific questions from time to time. Get into a meditation and then ask your higher self to answer a specific query you have. Just observe the insights that come up in words, visuals, sensations with non-judgement.
2. Practice active listening
Part of clairaudience is being able to sense the energy underneath that someone is saying. In this way, the ability is quite practical.
When someone speaks to you, are you listening to exactly what they’re saying or are you making judgements and trying to predict what they will say?
Yes, a lot of the time we’ll be correct about what someone has to say before they do, however developing spiritually means practicing more neutrality.
This means, giving people space to subvert your expectations, but also practicing looking at things from all angles. When you next have a conversation with someone pay attention to how deeply and attentively to are actually doing it!
You can also practice this on yourself. Record yourself speaking about a topic you are passionate about, your biggest fears or some affirmations you’d like to solidify.
When listening back, observe the energy behind what you’re saying.
Another exercise I like for these purposes is visualization. Visualization is connected to clairvoyance, but comes alongside a lot of other psychic senses – they all connect in some way.
Get into meditation, allow the mind to calm, and then visualize your ears growing to double the size.
Without forcing or pushing for anything in particular, see what you can hear both physically and psychically. What sounds are most prominent in your environment (that you might have overlooked) and what intuitive messages are coming through.
Meditating while there is noise or disruption around you can be an unexpected way to increase your intuition too. This is something you want to do with increased frequency the more comfortable you get with meditation anyways.
Knowing that you can access calm & insight regardless of what is going on around you, means that in difficult situations you don’t unconsciously switch off your spiritual senses.
3. Go on mindful walks
I talked about how going on mindful walks made me more aware of my clairaudience. This is practice that will improve all psychic abilities, depending on how you focus.
When we are out and about there are so many different sounds we can tune into. I’ve found this exercise helpful whether I do it in the city or in nature, although I recommend prioritizing the latter.
Go for a walk without a specific destination in mind (where it is safe to do so) and just allow your intuition to lead you.
Try to pick out each sound you hear, from the rustling of the trees, to each individual species of bird to the sound of your feet pounding the ground.
4. Use music
A lot of musicians are connected to their psychic sense of hearing – the ones who put out music which comes from a deeper place within, with the goal of uplifting and unifying people.
Yes, listening to certain types of music can lower our psychic senses. I don’t believe this is dependent on genre, just because you listen to rap music (one that is often highlighted) doesn’t mean you have a ‘low vibration’. It completely depends on which specific songs you are listening to, regardless of genre.
Do they reflect your values? Do they uplift you? Regardless of specific words, do they improve your wellbeing?
One way to increase clairaudience specifically with music is to listen to a specific song, preferably one with different instrumental elements, and try to pinpoint all the different sounds you hear.
Then once you are more familiar with each note and silence, try to recreate this completely in your own mind. You can practice this to where you can literally hear the music in your head.
5. Journal
The final tip I will offer is to journal freely and often. Writing is closely connected to our capacity to listen!
I know it sounds like an odd link, but if we journal freely and allow ourselves to spill onto the page, we are going to start to hear ourselves better. As an extension of this we hear others and the world around us more clearly too.
I like to journal each day about whatever comes to mind. Even if you have tried to journal before but couldn’t maintain a consistent habit, I think this shift in focus can be helpful.
If you want to write a whole page about a cat you see on your morning walk…do it! If you want to write a page about how much you like strawberry icecream…do it! Write about the things that might seem silly, overindulgent or useless.
The more comfortable you get with expressing yourself in a non-judgemental way, the clearer you’ll hear and perceive things.
Our ears are in close proximity to the throat and corresponding chakra, so they work in tandem a lot of the time.
Get my free throat chakra + cord cutting guides to help clear your energy.
My clairaudient experiences
My first clairaudient experience (that I remember) was about 10 years ago. It was on a walk funnily enough!
I was walking home from high school taking the route I had for the last year without issue. This time however, as I got to a specific path, I heard an intuitive voice say ‘go the other way’.
There was a long way and a short way to get home, and I’d always taken the shortcut. Ultimately I ignored this message despite how clearly it came through.
I walked all the way up this path and at the end there was a barricade that was blocking my way. There was some building work being done in the area. I had to turn all the way back and go the long route.
This experience has never left me, and so when an intuitive voice comes through that clearly I tend to follow it!
I’ve had similar experiences more recently to this effect, an intuitive voice that relies information I had no other way of knowing. There’s always room for coincidence but sometimes you can just feel that something else is at play.
Another experience I had about 4 years ago really made me take this ability more seriously and start developing it consistently.
During lockdown I got back into a lot of my spiritual practices. One day after meditating for an hour straight I walked downstairs for something to eat.
Everything felt more bright and alive somehow, and I heard a loving voice guiding me on what I should do/eat.
Clairaudience vs intrusive thoughts
You might be wondering how to tell the difference between genuine clairaudience and intrusive thoughts. There are some easy tells.
Clairaudience is an intuitive voice, intrusive thoughts are based in anxiety, and so the way to tell the difference is the same for that.
Intrusive thoughts create pressure, intuitive thoughts create peace.
You’ll notice in the experience shared my intuitive voice did not push me. Rarely will our intuition pressurize us to follow it, even if it’s in our highest good or convenience.
Intrusive thoughts on the other hand are underlined by fear, if we don’t follow them something bad will happen. Even when our intuition warns us against a negative experience, it will do this in the most loving manner – like a close friend or parent.
I did hesitate in writing this post due to how stigmatized it can be to ‘hear’ things that do not appear to have a physical explaination.
In my experience clairaudience is rarely hearing in way we do through the physical ears, it usually feels like something between a thought and a voice. I haven’t had difficulty distinguishing between physical noise and psychic noise.
However if you do have difficulty it would be wise to proceed with caution. This ability can become imbalanced and not everyone who hears is hearing for the same reason.
If you have a history with mental illness, schizophrenia etc consult your therapist, doctor etc before walking this path.
This post is not intended as medical advice, just my personal experience.
Hey there, I’m Ashley. I hope that by sharing my experiences with deepening my intuition, I can help you find that ‘spark’. That magic we can all experience when our energy is aligned and we feel deeply supported by the Universe.