Over the last two years I have experienced a lot of “good luck”.
Spontaneously meeting people who are incredibly aligned, who I have specifically called in or visualized. Being invited on trips. Connecting with amazing clients. Anytime I am facing stagnancy, having my prayers answered at the eleventh hour.
I have never considered myself to be ‘lucky’ quite the opposite. As I have talked about on this blog before, my inner dialogue used to be incredibly negative.
My thoughts were always highlighting what I lacked and where I felt slighted. Even in shifting that, I still had logical doubts that anything would change…but things did.
In this post I want to talk about making your own luck, how to become luckier through shifting the energy in your body.
1. Shifting your beliefs
The first step in become ‘luckier’ is of course shifting your belief system.
When I talk about belief I am not talking about constant positivity, having one-hundred percent faith in all scenarios or falling into a fantasy land.
Instead, coming to a more balanced view of our realities so that we can invite in more flow and curiosity.
The Universe doesn’t ask that we have bullet-proof faith in it. Children who are incredibly connected to spirit by nature, don’t necessarily have strong belief in anything, they might not even have a concept of what ‘faith’ is.
Instead, they are incredibly curious and playful towards reality. There is no pretence or ego, just an awareness of things. This is what you want to bring in.
Where have you hardened your heart? Fallen into self-doubt or shame? Lost the spark that you once had?
Bring a little more fun and play into your day to day through small shifts.
Affirmations to practice:
- I am open to new experience
- Universe, I welcome a surprise today
- I see things with fresh eyes
- I am curious about what is coming up
2. Opening the heart
A lot of the luck we experience comes through other people!
Can we manifest an entirely new life for ourselves from the comfort of our own home? Perhaps. However it’s a lot easier to welcome in blessings when we have a community or support system surrounding us.
I feel this is the sticking point for a lot of people. When we get into a negative thinking spiral, a lot of this will be projected outwards.
Other people are ‘better’ than us, luckier than us, they have more opportunities. This is indeed true in many cases, but watch out for the resentment that builds and the way it starts to affects how you approach everything.
We can get into the mindset of ‘What’s the point?’
We get hurt and shut our hearts down, we miss an opportunity and close ourselves off from new paths.
If we want to experience more luck we have to start opening ourselves back up again. Reconnecting with the world. Zoning in on the people who do support, care and acknowledge us.
As mentioned, I used to have a very negative internal dialogue. Usually even when I thought I was mad about a specific situation not working out, I was actually annoyed by a lack of support or encouragement from those I wanted it from.
I become misanthropic, didn’t trust people. You can become incredibly isolated in this way, and settle in one place for too long.
You want to give the Universe a signal that you’re ready to be moved; that you are flexible. So that if a blessing requires some rearrangement of your environment & routines, you’ll be ready for it.
Trust yourself enough to believe your intuition leans positively too.

3. Taking aligned action
When we talk about luck or manifestation action is sometimes left out of the picture – whether intentionally or not.
Luck is when preparation meets opportunity
We get the idea that if we simply think a certain way, then everything we want will come to us. I don’t take that belief. I think manifestation, which is what we are really discussing here, is an interplay between energies and actions.
You want to get your energy & intentions right before you take lots of action. In my experience, while action is important, if I don’t approach it with the right intention, if I don’t clear my energy first, the results are unimpressive.
On the other side, we can have the best energy in the world, but if we do not do something with it, it is only going to serve us in a limited way. Both are required.
Taking aligned action doesn’t have to be this huge, daunting task. Start with retracing your steps a little. What was the last small intuitive nudge you ignored?
What haven’t you done due to procrastination or fear of the unknown…that you know you should?
A lot of this spiritual work is about doing the uncomfortable. Not looking for practices and techniques that distract us from our ‘mundane’ experience but bring us wholly into it.
It is about understanding our shadows so that we can accept them more deeply, and so they are not limiting the direction we can go.
You might have to have a difficult conversation with a loved one, put in your application for that course or job, reach out to someone who has been on your mind.
In conclusion
Luck isn’t really a ‘random’ thing – on a spiritual level nothing really is. When we get into the flow of our intuition, we experience more and more synchronicities and less coincidences.
Luck is preparing yourself to meet the opportunities you aren’t yet privy to; being open to different outcomes than you are accustomed to. It is about creating the right space in your life, so that new things can pour in.
Get my free throat chakra + cord cutting guides to help clear your energy.

Hey there, I’m Ashley. I hope that by sharing my experiences with deepening my intuition, I can help you find that ‘spark’. That magic we can all experience when our energy is aligned and we feel deeply supported by the Universe.