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How To Manifest With Visualization

manifestation visualization

Anything that we want to bring into physical reality we first have to visualize.

This can sound illogical at first but think of it in this way, if you want to build a house, you have to visualize how that house is going to look and how exactly you are going to build it before you do.

Coming from a spiritual perspective, it’s a little deeper than just that, but you get the idea.

In my own life I have manifested a lot of things that were first just images in my mind.

Over the course of weeks and months I would picture exactly what I wanted to come to fruition, to the point that these visuals would seep into my dreams, and then I would eventually see them in my physical reality.

Manifestation & visualization

One of the very best way to visualize and manifest is through the state akin to sleep.

SATS is an abbreviation from spiritual writer Neville Goddard. He talks about using the state between awake and sleep in order to bring our visions into reality.

The best times to do visualization in after a deep meditation (any meditation at all really) or just as you are falling to sleep.

This was something I practiced before I even came into contact with Neville Goddard’s teachings. I was very into lucid dreaming as a kid and then teenager. As an adult not so much, but that awareness has followed me through the years.

At about 17/18 years old I decided I wanted to travel to Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. I didn’t have the budget for such a trip, nor could I rely on family for money, and although I could probably save enough eventually I wanted to leave within the next 6 months.

Every night I would visualize myself in these countries traveling, and I was at an age where the doubts, fears and limits I have now weren’t really an issue. I wasn’t thinking ‘realistically’ at all.

A few months in I had the most vivid dream of being in Vietnam, a few months later I was actually there. My entire budget came through a project I had been working on, a month before I planned to leave.

I have manifested other travels/holidays, specific people down to appearance, specific objects, amounts of money, the list goes on.

How to visualize and manifest

So how do you start visualizing to manifest?

First, get into a relaxed state! It’s ok to have negative thoughts, emotions, fears, tension, limitations. All of these things are a part of being human, and we all have a shadow side.

However, when we are trying to open new doors, it’s best to do so from a blank state.

When you find yourself relaxed or in a cheery mood, take the opportunity to visualize.

Brainwaves & manifestation

Theta brainwaves are associated with manifestation, this is the same relaxed and dream-like state we enter before sleep that many manifestation coaches talk about.

In our day to day lives we are usually in beta or alpha waves, alert or relatively quiet-minded respectively. Theta is the next level down in activity.

You can get into theta brainwaves through longer meditation sessions (twenty minutes is a good start) or breathwork. You can also use binaural beats that are specifically designed to get you into theta waves, you can find these quite easily on YouTube!

You’ll know you’re in theta brainwaves when your thoughts start to slow down or take on a more nonsensical or fluid quality. Your body will also feel quite relaxed or light.

Once you are in this state you want to visualize an end-scene. How would reaching your desired state look?

Where would you be, what would you be doing, who would you be around?

When you are visualizing an end-scene try to incorporate all five senses as best you can. What do you see, feel, sense, hear etc. Add as much detail to your visual as possible.

Does visualization work?

Visualization works very effectively in helping us achieve our goals and desires through saturating the subconscious mind with them.

Of course I would not be writing this article if I didn’t have success with visualization or thought it didn’t work, in fact it’s one of the most important techniques in my toolkit.

However there are times where we visualize something and it doesn’t come to fruition, and I’d like to address that here.

I think one of the most common mistakes people make when visualizing is focusing on achieving a specific goal or having a certain thing, but not the events proceeding it.

For example, say you want to meet a specific type of person. You visualize meeting this person in vivid detail.

What you might find, is that you connect with this exact person but it doesn’t last or there are unexpected obstacles that come up afterwards.

This has happened to me on more than one occasion! I have manifested the exact people, space, thing that I wanted but it left as quickly as it came!

There is a delicious irony here that you have to appreciate looking back 😂

It’s as if the Universe is saying ‘I know you wanted this, but perhaps you weren’t ready!’

This is going to be the case for even the most skilled visualizers, but there are some steps you can take to change this outcome.

The first thing you can do is visualize what happens after you achieve your goal.

The second and perhaps most important, is to understand the type of energy you need to embody in order to maintain a certain goal.

When you visualize having or being with a certain end-goal, also FEEL into it.

How does your body feel when you have achieved your goal? Is it relaxed, excited, energized?

Visualize a day living the type of life you want and what sort of person you are in it. Are you more disciplined, confident, open, do you have stronger boundaries?

All of these aspects can be understated when we are in a visualization and getting excited about something.

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