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How To Deal With Negative Thoughts When Manifesting

negative thoughts manifesting

In manifestation the mantra goes, ‘Positive thoughts, positive life’ or ‘What we think we attract’.

This concept can lead to a lot of internal conflict and struggle when negative thoughts do arise, rather than addressing them we push them down or pretend they don’t exist.

As I’ve stated many times on this blog, I don’t actually believe in a 1-1 relationship between our thoughts and physical reality, it goes a little deeper than that!

In this post I want to demystify some of the fear surrounding manifestation and explore how to deal with negative thoughts while manifesting.

Do negative thoughts manifest?

Manifestation at its most basic is bringing something immaterial into the material. To have an idea or vision, build the correct energy and then see that arrive in your physical reality.

There is not one direct process (in my view) that works for others. A lot of people see this as separation, and I understand why they hold that perspective.

If we’re talking about the Law of Attraction, then the process is ‘think positively to receive positively’.

However, there is also the Law of Assumption. This has been getting increasingly popular, in fact, I see it being mentioned more than the Law of Attraction now in the spaces I’m in.

The Law of Assumption is not just ‘think and it will be’ it is ‘know and it will be’.

There is no separation between your 4D and 3D, it is one. Therefore whatever you assume to be true will be, instantly.

There is some nuance in both of these schools of thoughts.

The consensus I see is that it is not just our thoughts alone that causes something to manifest, but our attachment to them.

Having one negative thought (intrusive or otherwise) is not going to cause something bad to happen in our reality, if we know that it is just a mental construct and allow it to pass. It’s only if we are strongly affirming that thought, which will cause an issue.

Although I have seen this nuance expressed often, I do think there is so much emphasis on thoughts in these spaces regardless, that people tend to hyperfocus on them anyway.

Don’t avoid negative thoughts, surrender to them

My personal perspective is that the power of thought alone is largely overstated. Our thoughts are powerful and simultaneously a drop in the ocean.

We should consider all areas of our energy to get a clear idea of what our vibration is.

There are subconscious beliefs that hide under the surface and there are surface level thoughts that don’t hold much weight. There is the thought itself and the emotions or intention we begin to attach to it. There are the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual sides to the equation.

I think the best way to tackle negative thoughts is to take a holistic approach to them. Understand why they are there, so that you can actually shift them.

For example, if we are uncomfortable receiving financial abundance, the blockage is probably not just mental.

Not being comfortable with more money is not usually something we dream up as individuals. We’re not sitting around thinking of ways to ‘self sabotage’ fresh out of the womb.

Often these patterns are anchored in very real and physical experiences of scarcity, not just a mindset that we’ve conjured up. There is a defensive pattern in the body not just the mind. There is experience to back up our concept of lack.

Embodied manifestation

I want to bring in the concept of embodied manifestation. This is manifestation that is done in a grounded way, considering our mind & body.

Being aware that we have negative or limiting thoughts is the first step. We then have to understand what experience these thoughts originate from and then patterns they’ve created in the physical body.

You’re currently embodying this state, not just thinking it. Knowing these patterns you can start to embody a more uplifting and helpful one.

Again we’ll go with the financial example (this is something I have direct experience with).

Let’s say a common thought you have is ‘I cannot charge people more for my work’.

This might be accompanied by thoughts such as ‘I am unworthy’, ‘People don’t support me’ or ‘I never succeed at anything’.

When you go to affirm the opposite, for example ‘I am abundant’ you might notice that the body reacts in a certain way.

You feel tension in the stomach or back, your shoulders hunch up, you feel a general heaviness or sadness come over you. This is because…you’re embodying that state.

What I’ve found helps is repeating the positive affirmation more than once, being consistent with it, while also learning to relax the physical body. To let go of that state temporarily.

It’s ok if you come back to that state or face resistance in the future, but give yourself the opportunity to feel & think differently.

When dealing with negative thoughts during manifesting or on the spiritual path, remember there is probably a pattern in the body accompanying them and give yourself grace!

It took a lot of time to build those patterns in the first place, so it probably isn’t going to be quick to unravel them.

What I do emphasized however is the power of momentum. We’re not going to release all of our patterns in a day, but with some work, we’ll release them quicker than expected. Our progress is not always linear.

How do you manage your negative thoughts?


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