We are all intuitive in nature; in a sense we are all psychics, it’s just that we don’t all retain or develop that ability later into life.
From a very early age I would ‘see things’. This is perhaps not that unusual, most children have what we would call an overactive imagination. However alongside this, being raised in a religious family, the sense that there was something more.
That sense never quite left me and into adulthood, and after a series of sleep paralysis episodes I started to research consciousness & energy.
I brought back that awareness and now live my life according to what feels right intuitively.
I think with the right knowledge and tools we can all become more tuned in. In this post I want to cover how to develop the four main psychic abilities.
The 4 clairs
Let’s start with the four main ‘clairs’ or psychic abilities – the most well known ones (there are many more).
Claircognizance which is ‘clear knowing’. This is when we just know something, we don’t need any physical validation or proof, something deeper inside of us just knows. This is often connected to the mind or mental level of consciousness.
Clairsentience which is ‘clear feeling’. This is a more subtle and ‘common’ sense that many people don’t even realize they have, or label specifically. It is when we you are able to pick up on peoples’ emotions, almost as if you were feeling them.
Clairaudience which is ‘clear hearing’. This can manifest as hearing voices from your angels, guides, higher self and more. Sometimes clairaudience comes alongside clear knowing, most of these senses do intertwine.
Clairvoyance which is ‘clear seeing’. This is the most direct and obvious psychic sense that we have the most knowledge of culturally too. Receiving premonitions & visions, the opening of the third eye chakra.
The most important step

I think the most important step when developing psychic gifts is self-honesty. This might seem like a weird place to start, what about the techniques and meditations?
Those are important too, but remember, you are already psychic it’s just a matter of reigniting the spark.
Each physical sense has a corresponding psychic sense, and going further, each psychic sense is really an expansion or extension of the physical sense. There’s not this clear distinction between one or the other when you zoom out.
There is already so much information we are receiving that we’re not noticing or ignoring completely.
We see that someone is acting a certain way but choose to pretend otherwise. We hear how someone speaks to themselves or others, but choose to reframe it. We know what we should do, but we doubt or procrastinate.
If we are not taking in the information presented to us in the most obvious or physical manner, increasing our psychic awareness is not going to be very helpful.
I have also experienced and read endless stories about people who opened up their third eye, tuned into energies, tarot, angels/guides, and regretted it because they weren’t prepared for what they perceived.
The reason this is, is because we all have a shadow. The side of our psyche or experience we do not confront honestly. When we build more awareness, all of that stuff comes to the surface, and it can be a lot to deal with.
And so, it’s super important to get very honest about your experience. What intuitive insights have you already received, signs and red flags you’ve already seen in yourself and others that you’re simply not taking seriously?
What small action can you take today, tomorrow, within the week to honor these insights?
Doing this now means that when your psychic senses get more active, you’re already primed to acknowledge and take action on them. You’re not looking to gain cool gifts but to clarify your experience and see things clearly!
Often psychic abilities are not flashy, they’re the small sensation in the body or voice in the mind that says ‘This is what you should do, why are you not?’
Exercises for developing your psychic senses

Let’s keep things really simple. Knowing that the psychic senses are an extension of the physical senses, start to tune into and strengthen those first.
Spend 5 minutes tuning into your body before you enter your workplace. A few seconds or minutes after entering a room. At the start or end of a day in reflection. Pinpoint the different sensations, emotions…inklings.
Visualize for 10 minutes to strengthen the visual muscle. I like to start with picturing the color red in my mind, trying to hold it for as long as I can without any other interruptions.
Spend the day tracking your thoughts. Notice the recurring thought streams you are maintaining as you go about your usual activities. With awareness, how accurate or helpful do these feel?
Spend 10 minutes listening to every sound you can pick up on in your environment.
If for example you are near a tree, perhaps there is one outside of your window, you might first hear the rustling of the largest branches. As you go deeper, the smaller ones and then sounds the birds flying away…eventually 100 different sounds all interconnected in this small area.
You may notice that some of these senses are stronger than others. For example, you might be a highly auditory person, always listening to different orchestral symphonies, and so tuning into sound might come naturally. Or you might be a visual person, and so visualizing will be easier. Just take a little note of this.
Ask your intuition questions
As you head out for the day ask your intuition different questions:
Who will I meet today, let me feel their energy.
What do I need to know today?
What do I need to feel good/supported today?
Without pushing or forcing anything, which senses become most activated? Perhaps you see a scene play out in your mind right away – this happens SO often that we usually don’t even notice it. Perhaps you feel a sensation in your gut, or hear/notice a word or phrase come to awareness.
These are all your psychic senses in action! With practice over time, strengthening these senses and receiving answers through them feels more and more…intuitive.

Hey there, I’m Ashley. I hope that by sharing my experiences with deepening my intuition, I can help you find that ‘spark’. That magic we can all experience when our energy is aligned and we feel deeply supported by the Universe.