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How to Ask Your Spirit Guides for Help

How to Ask Your Spirit Guides for Help

One of the most common things people reach out to me asking, is how to feel deeply supported by the Universe.

We’re living more isolated lives, trying to navigate a busy modern world while getting in touch with our spirit. At times it can feel like we are alone and have no guidance.

Spirit guides are non-physical beings that were assigned to us before we incarnated, to help guide us to our soul purpose. Some guides are with us throughout our entire lives, and others pop in and out depending on the season we’re in.

You could see spiritual guides as teachers, friends, aspects of the Universe, aspects of yourself and subconscious! It doesn’t really matter. The purpose of a spirit guide is to help, and so often they are underutilized. We should practice tuning into their guidance!

What can our spirit guides help us with?

Our spirit guides can help us with pretty much any aspect of our lives, however they are not the ‘Universe’. The language here can get a bit tricky because we are trying to describe energies, but I hope it is clear.

I mean this in the sense that they are not ‘genies’, they do not fulfil our wishes or give us anything. Spirit guides bring us through the relevant lessons, trials and tribulations, connect us with the right people to get us on path.

We have different spirit guides for different purposes. Spirit guides for career, personal life and soul purpose, amongst others. These are the ones I have most experience with.

Then if you are going through grief, heartbreak, ending a particular phase in your life, there will be a specific guide for this time period. Sometimes we just need a specific energy, quality or type of information that these guides will assist us in embodying, once we do their job is done.

The difference between spirit guides & angels

There are several differences between spirit guides and angels that I want to go over here.

This is based upon my experiences working with both type of being over the years. This is my attempt at a neutral comparison, but of course, your experience will vary slightly.

Spirit guides have a different type of energy to angels in my experience. Spirit guides feel more ‘human’ and I suppose in a lot of ways that makes sense. From what I’ve learn spirit guides may have had physical lives before and after us. Angels on the other hand have never been ‘human’.

Angels tend to feel more light or airy, which is to say they’re coming from a ‘higher dimension’ than spirit guides. When they do intervene, their presence is more obvious because of how dense they have to make themselves to be noticed.

Spirit guides don’t tend to intervene either in my experience – again this will vary. But when I have been at a particular low, I feel an angelic presence instead.

How to ask your guides for guidance

How to ask your guides for guidance

So how do you actually call on your guides for guidance, support, protection?

They key is to be quite specific, as with setting any intention, so that you get what you’re asking for.

Guides support me in _______________

Guides please show me the best path in ___________ situation

Guides I ask for your loving support & protection right now

I call on _________ guide for __________

You can recite these requests mentally or out loud, depends on your preference, but some situations will also call for more directness.

We all connect with our guides in a different way, and you might find you need to take some extra steps.

If you feel you need something a little deeper, you can visualize yourself in a forest clearing, sitting on a bench. Imagine your guides walking up a path towards you and then taking a seat. Then state your request.

Spirit guides can also contact us in our dreams! I’ve been lucid dreaming for almost two decades now, and this was one of the ways I started meeting and then communicating with them. I have an article here on how to start.

Another powerful way to connect with your guides and ask for help & support is through writing. Pen and paper might be your strong point, so write a letter to your guides with your request.

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How our spirit guides support us

You can specify the type of guides you want to call in, perhaps for career guidance, and be very specific with what exactly you need them for. Don’t just ask for support with work unless you are happy receiving a general or vague answer.

Your guides will sometimes answer with an intuitive voice, a word or phrase that will get you in the right direction. Other times you will simply feel a hand on your shoulder or their presence.

At the start it’s common to perceive absolutely nothing. Don’t worry about this too much, especially if you haven’t developed a consistent relationship.

Instead, go about your regular day and just keep some awareness of what it is you asked.

The main way our guides ‘answer’ is through the situations we encounter in our day to day routine. An obstruction on the road that causes us to take a different route to work, the old friend we ‘coincidently’ bump into that day, or a song that pops up with just the right words of encouragement.

A lot of people see repeating numbers like 111, 1111, 222, 333 and numerous others when they are spiritually awakening, often this is our guides sending a subtle wink.

I find that 444 and 888 came up for me a lot when guides were connecting, these numbers have shared/common meanings a lot of the time but it’s most important to consult your own intuition – what do you feel a number is representing?

Notice the sensations that come alongside noticing a number sequences for more context.

Spirit guides love bringing us back to ourselves! When guidance or support is coming from the Universe, our higher self, angel sometimes, it is often more direct.

I find spirit guides will push us to reflect on old memories and patterns that are reappearing, drop wisdom or hunches to unpack, show us ourselves. Guides are like gurus in that sense, they can’t make us awaken or succeed at what we are doing, but they can push us in the right direction.

How to know your spirit guide is near

How to know your spirit guides are near

You will know a guide has answered when an experience brings a calming or uplifting energy with it (for the most part). We can have what I call ‘threshold’ experiences, where we viscerally experience a change in the atmosphere.

We come up against some obstacle, situation, person etc. and all of a sudden feel things get brighter or lighter. As if a light breeze flows past us out of nowhere.

It’s difficult to describe in words, but this sense that things are going to be ok.

Spirit guides can also drop more obvious clues such as feathers, you might suddenly perceive a pleasant scent that has no physical source.

Connecting with our guides bring our energy up a little, and so we might experience subtle movements in the body, tingles, vibrations etc.

They generate a lot of light too on a non-physical level, which is why things often appear brighter once we’ve made contact.

There are so many different ways that we can receive spiritual support that it can be difficult to identify whether we’re feeling the ‘Universe’ our higher self, an angel, passed loved one or a guide.

I think you have to trust your instincts for the most part, they’ll be a part of you for whatever reason that just knows your spirit guides is the one close and helping.

Spirit guides can take on a very embodied presence, and in rare cases (when we are in danger) manifest quite clearly and viscerally, almost as if physical.

Over time you get to know the specific energy of your guides, which makes discerning this much easier.

Are spirit guides dangerous?

The most important thing to remember when working with guides is that they do not supersede your own intuition and higher self!

A lot of people come to the concepts without the proper discernment and end up giving their energy away and falling into misalignment.

Spirit guides are benevolent in nature, they would never harm us. However, just because we are tuning into an energy that feels good or familiar doesn’t mean it is our guides.

It’s important to clear your energy before and after interacting with your guides, and stating your boundaries very strongly if you ever feel something is off.

Working with guides is a choice, I wouldn’t say it is a necessary part of the spiritual journey. The energy of our guides is going to come through regardless, and we don’t have to interact with them as beings with a name, personality and history we have to be attached to.

I personally go in and out working with guides. I find them most present when I am doing intuitive readings, this happens quite naturally as I tune into someone’s energy.

I find our guides need the right space to come through strongly enough. When we are receptive to advice or guidance, they pop in pretty easily.

Further Reading:

How to Connect With Your Spirit Guides

What is your experience connecting with guides?


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