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Why You Should Keep Your Manifestations Private

manifestations private

Privacy is protection, what people don’t know about they cannot interfere with.

If you’re reading this then I’m sure you’ve heard some variation of this recently, or you are aware of the ‘evil eye’.

This is a concept in varying forms throughout many different cultures and religions/spiritual communities, that talks to the importance of keeping our successes private to prevent negative outside influence.

In this post I want to go over some reasons you might want to keep your manifestations private, and reasons you might want to share them!

Why you shouldn’t talk about your manifestations

The most obvious reason to keep your manifestations private as we discussed is to prevent negative outside influence.

As sad of a reality as it is, if you display good fortune, material possessions etc. there is a chance that someone is going to see that and want to take it from you or even worse. I don’t think this point requires much explanation.

However there are some other less obvious reasons we should keep things private, that’s what I want to go into more depth about.

If you’re a person going from survival mode to creative mode, or looking to become more abundant than you already are, then chances are you are surrounded by people who don’t want to or don’t know how to make a change.

Sharing your intentions with these people might do more harm than good, because they’ll likely not be able to conceive of why you’d try to make a change in the first place.

A lot of people aren’t ill-intended, in fact they might have our best interests at heart, they just don’t have a reference point for what we want to do.

Another reason you might want to keep your goals a secret has more to do with yourself than others.

Just because we share our goals doesn’t mean we’ll do the necessary work to make them happen.

This can make sharing positivity or good news feel pointless in the future, which can leave us quite isolated.

Most things need darkness to grow! The seed you plant in the ground, the baby in the womb etc.

Manifestation & shadow work

manifestation shadow work

On a spiritual level, creation often requires a bit…or a lot of shadow work on our part. This means delving into the darker parts of our psyche.

The negative habits we feel strangely committed to, the limiting thoughts and beliefs, the strengths we don’t feel ready to embrace.

In my experience, any time I have made a big leap I had to keep those fragile first weeks/months private so that I could really dig deep and take action uninhibited by what anyone else had to say. This was more for my own good, than what anyone else would actually say.

We need time and space to start building good momentum.

With this being said, there are definetly times for sharing our goals and aspirations!

If we feel ready for change, having someone to keep us accountable can be a big help. I do recommend sharing your goals from time to time, but only with those who provided a non-judgemental space while still encouraging you to do better (fulfil the potential they know you have).

It’s also less disruptive to share our goals and aspirations once we’ve built some momentum internally.

We’ve took an honest look at our limitations and starting to take action in ways that may feel uncomfortable at first, and are starting to see good results.

A mistake people often make on the spiritual path or while doing inner work, is believe that their energy is just completely fragile.

That if they think one negative thoughts or receive some negative feedback they will crumble.

We are much stronger and resilient than we give ourselves credit for, and our energy isn’t going to be thrown about by every little thing once we have a strong foundation.

I have found benefit in both keeping my manifestations private and sharing them.

Going too hard in one direction can create imbalance. We can become isolated and suspicious which doesn’t allow our energy to flow anyway, or we can start to develop very loose boundaries.

Find that sweet spot somewhere in the middle and gauge where you are at before deciding one way or the other.

What is your experience with keeping things private?

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