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When the Universe Makes You Slow Down

Universe makes you slow down

In today’s post I want to talk about a phase on our spiritual journey, that is often mistaken for something going wrong – when the Universe slows us down.

Sometimes ‘nothing happening’ in your reality is a sign that you are being guided to what really matters. All of the stuff that took up space before no longer is/can, and you have to prioritize what you are investing your energy in.

The stuff that kept you occupied or busy and the mind full of distractions is released and you’re left with a nice clear slate to work from.

Understanding divine timing

This shift on your path starts with the principle of divine timing, and I want to explore that a little here.

Why is it that sometimes we can seem to be moving in an intuitive, joy-filled manner, receiving everything we’re asking & praying for, while at other times we’re reaching dead end after dead end?

I feel the concept of divine timing is a little misunderstood.

Yes things can miraculously come together regardless of the actions we take or the awareness we hold, but I don’t think this is the full picture.

When we are in unawareness and the shadow is ruling our lives, we can ‘waste’ time in a sense. After all, we have free will.

If we decide that our lives are not important, that our energy is not worth taking care of, we will be met with paths & people that make this our reality.

Even when divine timing is at play in these scenarios, we’re not necessarily going to notice or appreciate them and then be able to take advantage of them.

We can spend decades in a dead-end job, relationship, space of any kind if we do not make a conscious change.

I don’t say this to invoke fear but to bring understanding of just how powerful we are. We get to choose…at any time.

It is when we start to take our energy seriously and move in a way that makes sense to our heart not ego (more often than not) that we see clearly the magic of divine timing unfold.

Don’t just set the intentions or do the visualizations without first making a clear commitment:

“I don’t just want better, I am willing to become the person who allows something better for myself!”

The Universe is always redirecting us

In order to understand our paths better, we have to realize that what we see or experience physically is not all there is. There is an energy working underneath every action we take and change we make.

A lot of things that seems negative on the surface – such as a slowing down, isolation, even things going wrong, are openings for an energetic breakthrough…if we approach them as such.

The Universe can see when we are juggling too many options.

When we are making plans B, C & D because committing to plan A wholeheartedly feels too scary.

Often when we ask for more, the Universe gives us less options. Not as a way to punish or even restrict us, but to get us moving!

To the ego mind this is confirmation – I am being punished, I am doing something wrong, nothing goes in my favor.

Don’t let that tricky little voice dissuade you.

In a way the Universe is saying “I see you have been rushing, I see these things have been taking up your energy, let me reset the space for you”

Dig a little deeper into your rituals, settle on your brightest intention, ground into the body. Take small but meaningful actions.

Often we are working from a space where we don’t feel guidance coming through, from the root up. And so it takes a little conscious push to get back into momentum.

Often our intentions & visualizations create more tension because we mentally put ourselves right in the action.

We imagine ourselves hugely successful, busy, having it ‘all together’. There’s nothing wrong with elements of this, but it is a lot to grasp all at once.


A visualization I like, building upon this concept, is to picture the benefits of going slow for you.

For example, you choose to spend more time taking walks, despite how busy your schedule is.

On these walks you notice a flyer in a window for an opportunity you would have otherwise missed, you meet someone on the path who you connect deeply with.

Or you can visualize a day at work where you are more intentional with your job and your boss/clients see this in return everyone is benefited.

Where we so often associate speeding up with progress, knowing exactly what going slow means for you in a positive context is very important. Get the mind on board and the body will start to follow.

In a reality where you are acting as your higher self, and may be more busy and doing more in a lot of ways, how would you also be able to take more time for yourself?

What does the other side of success look like? Being able to spend more time in calm solitude at home. Going for more walks. Taking yourself and friends on dates. Visiting places you’ve always wanted to on the weekends.

The key is to imbue this visualization with as much detail and emotion as you can. Make it feel real.

The way we visualize doesn’t always have to be focused on the pinnacle.

It can be on these more mundane moments that come with actualizing creative energy, being more resourced, and achieving the goals we have in mind. It can be on the indirect blessings that come with being in our power.

Sometimes things get more difficult temporarily because we are slowing down.

We are no longer blocking stuff out or trying to paint everything with a rosy color. We’re actually in the roots now, and the changes that come will be longer lasting.

Don’t let the monotony pull you back.

For more guidance on moving in accordance with your energy or inner flame as I like to call it, check out my Self Love Journal.

For 1-1 guidance, arrange a reading.

All the best!

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