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How the Universe Redirects Us

How the Universe Redirects Us

In this post want to talk about the importance of delays & detours on the spiritual path – and in life generally speaking.

As we are discovering our soul purpose and getting clearer with our energy, delays and detours act as a way to redirect us.

These come in the form of obstacles that spring up seemingly out of nowhere, or as rejection or misunderstanding from others.

There are two reasons these detours/delays show up.

One is that a path simply isn’t aligned for us. No matter how much effort or force we apply, we’re never going to fit into a particular space or relationship.

The other reason is timing. Everything happens in divine timing. How do you tell the difference?

When something is for us but we’ve approached it at the wrong time, it will continue to pop up over and over. Obstacles might come up, but we are consistently pulled back, specifically when we are not focused on or attached to something.

This can happen time and time again, if we are trying to circumnavigate some important lesson beforehand.

Listening to your gut vs anxiety

When something isn’t for us, we’ll be redirected or rejected again and again. The sense that something just isn’t right.

This distinction is quite subtle, and so it’s difficult to get clarity if we aren’t clear in ourselves. We can get so attached to a goal mentally, that even the most obvious rejection goes unnoticed.

So, if you are having difficulty figuring out the why or what, take a step back. Completely pull your energy back from whatever it is. Recenter, get deeper into a mindfulness or meditation practice.

Then pay attention to how your energy is pulled to or pushed away from something.

Here is a photo from my trip to Thailand earlier in the year. I had just arrived to Pai after missing my bus the day before…it couldn’t have panned out better.

I didn’t have a really good day in Chiang Mai before I was meant to leave. Being forced to stay an extra day, I had an absolute blast with all new people and was able to feel that part of my trip was properly over.

I ended up booking a bus the next day with someone who also missed theirs, we spent a week together and are still in close contact.

Anytime I am redirected, I know I’m about to meet someone new or learn something that is incredibly timely. The less resistance we have to these ‘disturbances’ the better.

You have to learn to value rejection as much as you value direction, knowing when you’re chasing the wrong things is a blessing.

Because they are really one and the same.⁣

There is a subtle shadow that may show up as you try to get into alignment, which is waiting for disappointment before moving.

Waiting for someone to disappoint you before moving on, waiting for something to come to a complete end before going elsewhere, waiting for the ‘confirmation’ that your intuition was right all along.

I think this is especially true at the beginning of an awakening when we get really sensitive to energy, and at times aren’t sure what insights to listen to. And we do want to be discerning.

However even if your intuition is not strengthened and clear to you, if you are waiting for disappointment that’s reason enough to proceed forward.

Let your joy be the primary thing leading you, not your disappointment.


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