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Are You An Energy Transmuter?

Learning to work with our energy is one of the most important things we can do in this lifetime.

For those of us who are highly sensitive, creative or empathic there are a lot of ways we’ll use our energy to benefit others but at our own detriment.

Understanding how to set clear boundaries and intentions is a must. So that we can help others while remaining energized and full ourselves.

In a recent 1-1 session I was asked how I would define an ‘energy transmuter’ as it had come up. I wanted to expand on that here.

What is energy transmutation?

Energy transmutation is a little different than just taking on someone else’s energy (whether positive or negative) and absorbing it.

Energy transmutation is the practice or tendency to take on other peoples’ negative energies and transform them into something positive.

It is a very involved process that takes up a lot of inner resources, especially if we are doing it all the time unconsciously.

This is what I observe in a lot of the people I work with. A lot of us have a deep energetic sensitivity, and we’re also very intuitive.

And so, when we’re interacting with someone we can feel their energy quite obviously, and we also have a strong insight into their potential.

This is a great skill to have but it can become draining, because we can be tuning into a potential that is so far off, and mistaking it for something in the present.

If we don’t sharpen our spiritual senses, we don’t know if what we’re picking up on is for now or for five years down the line!

We interact with someone who has a lot of inner work to do, see their potential, and then take on that responsibility for them.

Often, they haven’t asked us for this help explicitly. We see this as our role.

How to protect your energy

Ultimately, we cannot transmute energy over the long-term if we do not have a consistent self care practice. We will simply become burnt out, distracted, and drained. We might also be transmuting energies we don’t necessarily want to just out of habit.

As with most thing energy, it’s all about the undercurrent we are building moment to moment, day to day.

A lot of the times we have a spiritual ‘problem’ come up, and want a quick solution. However, it can take building back up some momentum before we get back on track.

So, get very clear on what undercurrent you are building with your energy now. Before you face burnout…not after.

All I mean by this is setting small intentions everyday as to what you want to focus your energy on.

In the morning saying to yourself ‘Today I am focusing my energy on ______’

In the same way we learn to make brushing our teeth a daily practice by routine, it then becomes a natural way of being. We have to set the right tone with our internal resources.

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