In this post I want to talk about one of the biggest “spiritual mistakes” we make on our path.
To be clear “spiritual mistake” is a bit of a misnomer. On one level everything we do ultimately leads to the evolution of the collective.
However, on another level, we can choose to do things that are not in alignment with our highest good or others. Or just act in a way that doesn’t allow our spiritual energy to flow through us as it should.
Mistakes are just something to be aware of, so that we can move in more fluidity. Not another way to beat ourselves up.
Avoiding spiritual dogma
I got a question in one of my Instagram livestreams at the start of the week “Why do bad things happen to good people?”
I think my answer made sense eventually but wasn’t very concise. It’s such a huge philosophical question that we could explore endlessly.
But here is what I think:
Is it necessary to find a belief system that somehow justifies suffering? Isn’t it better to focus on the actions we can take as a collective, so that we’re all working aligned with our intuition?
Perhaps there is a clear and easy answer that we haven’t grasped yet. Perhaps we’re in the ‘wrong dimension’ as it comes to understanding why certain things are necessary.
However, what I do know is that if everyone was acting according to their intuition, we would not be suffering on the level that we are. Hurting someone else, requires that you disconnect from your own spirit.
Pulling from my experience
There was a point in my spiritual journey where I felt quite ‘secure’ with what I was doing and what I believed. As you may know, security can be fleeting. It can bring us into a false sense of stability that hard to release.
When we think we know it all, even know enough, life has a way of humbling us.
The ego loves setting its sight on one firm belief system, even if that is a spiritual one in nature. It’s familiar and predictability.
Whenever my spiritual beliefs were questioned, although I would try to remain calm and centered, a part of me was triggered.
Even what seem like fool proof concepts such as the ‘soul’ ‘spirit’ ‘the Universe’ or ‘God’ can come under question on our journeys.
To even give these arguments the time of day feels uncomfortable, but I would say it is crucial to question and accept these as a part of the process.
Here’s the thing. God or the Universe is not going to crumble through scrutiny. Our spirit or intuition is not going to stop functioning just because someone doesn’t believe in them.
We’re also not going to break apart if we are open to any question or doubt that may creep into the mind. We are made of stronger stuff.
This is a trap we’ll come up against many times on the spiritual path – the idea that we must force certain beliefs/behaviors in order to be ‘more evolved’.
I have to be less egoic
I have to have more faith
I have to raise my vibration
I have bring more awareness to this shadow
These are all ‘positive’ goals that come with the right intention, however whenever you are in the energy of ‘have to’ you tend to work against yourself.
It is our ego that forces, pushes, and makes struggle out of what isn’t. In an ironic way, it can trap us in a spiritual looking box…but a box nonetheless.
Try dropping ‘have to’ from your inner dialogue over the next week as a test.
Rather than pushing yourself to be less egoic, feel into the part of you that is already filled with spirit. If your vibration is low, don’t try to push that part away, just identify aspects of your being that don’t feel ‘low’ and emphasize them. Practice just doing/being.
One of the most pivotal points in my journey was during a nihilistic phase after a spiritual awakening.
If everything and nothing is God, if we are all one but still hurting each other in many ways, if all decisions are right ones – what is the point of it all?
I realized that forcing meaning was not the ‘goal’ but rather understanding our relationship to meaning. Meaning making brings us to a state not an specific answer.
It’s ok to have doubts from time to time (or even all the time). What matters is that we are acting in a way that makes sense to our hearts. We are embodying and experiencing spirit, not just thinking or theorizing about it.

Hey there, I’m Ashley. I hope that by sharing my experiences with deepening my intuition, I can help you find that ‘spark’. That magic we can all experience when our energy is aligned and we feel deeply supported by the Universe.