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Intentions vs Resolutions When Manifesting

Intentions vs Resolutions Manifesting

I spent some time with family over Christmas during the day, but then had alone time in the evening.

It’s so nice not feeling pressure anymore to approach these holidays the same way other people do.

Perhaps it’s getting older, or deepening my spiritual practice – it just feels more easeful doing my own thing without piling on self-judgement about it.

We have an upcoming New Year on a New Moon! There couldn’t be better circumstances to set new intentions.

Personally I align more with the idea that the New Year starts in Spring. It doesn’t feel right to start a completely new chapter in the middle of Winter, when are bodies are often still hibernating and energies integrating.

And so, you can set intentions leading up to January 1st, but don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t feel ready to take much action yet.

With intentions I feel the goal is to make them buildable – intentions and prayers by nature compound. Resolutions on the other hand, can often feel very concrete and pressurized.

A common resolution might be: “I will lost 50 pounds”

Whereas an intention often sounds like: “I am practicing more love towards my body”

At least that is how I view them, but do you see the massive difference?

If we are to make change with awareness, we have to be very discerning with our language. My recommendation is to avoid ‘have to’ ‘will’ ‘must’ etc.

Some good ways to start your intentions:

I am allowing _____ to change/grow in my life

I maintain _____ type of energy

I build/create _____

When we recite intentions, we are asking the Universe to bring up anything (any shadow) that is standing in the way. And so, there is often more obstacles or tension to begin with.

Getting in touch with your body, you understand this is the process you must go through. Things getting more difficult at first, is not a sign you are doing something wrong, but that you are bringing more awareness to something!

Don’t take a step back in fear, move through it in faith.

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